Wednesday, May 27, 2009

Press Release: What we REALLY need! - B. The Artist

Peace, Love and Unity are the three words on everyones minds. After reading the first book from B. The Artist. What I found most impressive about the book was how incredibly simple it is. In just thirty pages B, in a very cohesive manor, took me THERE. Well, “where is THERE you might say?”, I’ll tell you! THERE is your inner most thoughts, thought unconsciously. What I started to feel while analyzing the book page by page, was a sense of hope that perhaps TRUE ARTISTRY HAS NOT DIED. The book made me think of my life right here and now in 2009; with the war coming to a so call end( “?” ), and the country trying to pick up the pieces of life shattered by the BUSH ADMINISTRATION.

All we need to do is unite! When we work together as one unit (far more than a team) we can accomplish any and everything. The pictures in the book are of The Artist known as B. himself, as well as, two of his cousins. Who were more than happy to model for him, so he could accomplish one of his dreams. When asked to speak on the book B said this: ”I am excited that this process is over, yet I am extremely nervous. I am nervous that people won’t get it, respect it, or appreciate the intent of it. But in hind sight I stand by my product no matter. Lastly, I have grown artistically during this project, and much more since it’s completion. You haven’t heard the last of me!”

written by Charlie Maddox for the Rosewood Arts and Production company

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